Combining a melodic writing style with a warm vocal tone and his rich musical production, Tommy Blu is one to watch in the London Alternative Pop/Rock scene. His vision is to connect the old with the new, melding the essence of music classics and songwriting structures, which he grew up on, with new sounds and distinctive production. His debut album is set to be released in the summer of 2023 , and following the release he's going on a summer festival tour, along with his new band.
Tommy has moved to the UK only a year ago, knowing no one, he started going to open mics around the city, just him and a guitar on his back.
Since then he already played a variety of venues around the city, solo or with a band, including Camden Rocks Festival.
"Happy Birthday charms quite immediately with its variety of hooks and delightfully accessible jangly pop production. We’re certainly looking forward to the next single and beyond from Tommy Blu.''
- Mike Minero, Obscure Sound
''All in all, 'Congratulations' is a really sophisticated indie pop production that not only stands out from the classic mainstream but also convinces with its very own musical style. Listen straight to it''
- Adrian Prath, Berlin On Air
Need some more information? Just want to talk? Drop me a line right here!